Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

With her tied up like that, I felt pretty confident that I could escape. I got up, and I ran. I ran like the wind, and didn’t look back. I moved swiftly through the trees, never looking once behind me, not wanting to see if I was even being followed. Up hills, down into ravines, my heart pounding the whole way. This place was dangerous. I didn’t even remember who I was, because something had already attacked me. 

Was it her? did she just come back to finish the job? I didn’t know, I didn’t want to know. Suddenly, I saw white light ahead. A clearing. A large clearing! It had to be a stretch of open country.. plains.. some place where she could not stalk me secretly. I would be safer there. I ran faster. It was up a hill.. the forest started in a valley, evidently. 

The trees got thicker, the underbrush denser as I moved up the hill. I was panting heavily, scared for my life. Finally, I looked behind me, just as I was clearing the hill. Was she chasing me? Was she right on my heels, pissed off, with her knife drawn, ready to strike? No.. No she was not. However, as I turned my attention back forward, I discovered that she didn’t have to. The top of the hill terminated in a nice cliff. It was no less than 300 feet down. 

I ran right off it, looking back to see if she was coming. On the plus side, I got a really nice view of some plains, and a cute village below, which I suddenly remembered to be the one I was supposed to be doing some professional photography in. What a neat time to remember who you are. So I fell, and it suddenly seemed pretty unimportant. The ground below was full of rocks and such that looked like they were really gonna hurt, but when I reached them, it just went dark, and there wasn’t much pain at all. 

I wonder if that fox ever managed to get out of her whip..?



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